blogid : 11395 postid : 5

Guilty of inaction

  • 4 Posts

If war is too serious to be left to generals, our crisis is too serious to be left to politicians. We all have a responsibility — for causing the crisis no less than trying to cure it. Democracy depends on the integrity and initiative of its citizens, and we in India acquiesce, if not indulge, in too many bad practices, preferring to cut corners, ignore traffic lights literally and metaphorically, bribe the cop or clerk, rather than observe, much less enforce, propriety. Nothing could work better than our becoming better citizens, but that is not going to happen, at least not autonomously. But those who have some power to effect changes have been the most guilty of inaction. Our intellective classes have the power of thinking, our media of projecting that thinking, our businessmen of paying for attention to them by the politico-administrative complex that can give them effect. Each category professes helpless despair. If they could pool some part of their resources and efforts to press for action of general benefit — commission thinkers to propose practical solutions, support media campaigns to press for them and do what they know best to get our lords and masters to implement them, we might at least see light. Silly? Unworkable? Useless? Anyone got a better idea — or are we just reconciled to doom? It does not take many people to bring about change: just one charismatic leader has been known to transform things. One does not appear often, but a more broadly organised effort can work. A minimum cooperation between parties is not too much to ask for, but it will need pressing for. That is where this sort of nationally-purposed grouping of experts, media and businessmen could work wonders. If nobody is willing, disasters are inescapable — and will come all too soon. Iqbal’s warning has become imperative: Vatan ki fikar kar, nadaan/ musseebat aanay wali hai/ teri barbadiyon ke mashware hain aasmanoon mein/Na samjhoge to mitt jaoge, Hindustan wallo/Teri dastaan tak na rahegi daastanon mey. “Worry about your country, idlers, misfortunes are coming your way. Indications of your disasters are fluttering in the sky. Fail to understand, Indian folk, and you will be erased, even your history will not remain part of history.”

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